leadership team

Anthony DeMauro is Associate Director of Dalai Lama Fellows at the Contemplative Sciences Center at the University of Virginia. Full bio.

Donna Mejia is Associate Professor at CU Boulder and the Inaugural Chancellor's Scholar in Residence for the Renée Crown Wellness Institute. Full bio.

Jonah Willihnganz is the Director of the Stanford Storytelling Project and Co-Founder of the LifeWorks Program for Integrative Learning at Stanford University. Full bio

Leah Peña Teeters is the Outreach and Education Director at the Renée Crown Wellness Institute at CU Boulder.
Full bio.

Shubham Sapkota is Contemplative Programs and Scholars Leader at the Renée Crown Wellness Institute at CU Boulder. Full bio.

Sona Dimidjian is Director of the Renée Crown Wellness Institute and Professor in the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience at CU Boulder. Full bio.


2023-2024 Mentorship Fellows

This select group of DLF program alumni provides formal mentoring to Dalai Lama Fellows, guiding and supporting them in their leadership and personal development.

Chukwuemeka John Amamdikwa is a physician advocating for sustainable health care in organizations and communities across Africa.
(2018 Fellow)

Milena Rodriguez is re-establishing connection with her Mesoamerican ancestry and working toward intergenerational well-being and reciprocal relationship with Mother Earth. (2017 Fellow)

Radhika Kothari leads grassroots development at GroundUp Conservation, empowering organizations to deliver greater benefits for indigenous people, local communities and to support the natural environment. (2018 Fellow) 

Sima Gatea helps social entrepreneurs advance their work by strengthening their connection to themselves and their communities. Sima coaches leaders in the field of migration / inclusion with an emphasis on belonging. (2020 Fellow)